School History

Teresa Spinelli Public School is run by Teresa Spinelli Public Charitable and Educational Trust which comes under the Catholic religious order of the Augustinian Sisters, servants of Jesus and Mary founded by Mother Maria Teresa Spinelli on 23rd September 1827. She was born on 1st October 1789 in Italy. Inspired by God’s spirit, she started the first public school at frosinone in Italy on 8th October 1821. Mother lived there until the end of her journey to God the father, consuming her life in prayer and charity, and above all for the education of the youth. She died on 22nd January 1850. The mission started by Maria Teresa Spinelli, is still continued by her followers who came to India in 1988. The Teresa Spinelli Kindergarten at Pottakuzhy was started in 1994 and in June 2002 Teresa Spinelli Public School was born to realize the dream of our Mother Foundress, i.e. “The Christian, the intellectual formation and the integral growth of the Young”. She is always remembered as the first Religious to start a regular school for the youth, overcoming all discrimination.