Mother Foundress
Teresa Spinelli (1789-1850) was born in Rome on 1stOct 1789.. Her parents were Michael Angelo Spinelli and Katrina Moretti. The social system in Rome was affected by the revolution and the Napoleonic wars and naturally young Teresa had to face many challenges in the family and outside. Inspite of all the negative strokes of life, Teresa dedicated a considerable amount of her time to works of charity.
When Teresa’s parents grew old and needed her support, she accepted the responsibility and cared for them. It was at this time that she made a vow to always choose what was perfect and consecrated herself to the cause of sinners.
Following the death of her mother, Teresa decided to gave herself over to the education of children. She went to Frosinone, where young girls were in particular need- there was no school for girls. She over came great difficulties to open the first public school in an area that accepted girls as students. This school had a profoundly Christian foundation and sought to educate its pupils with love and respect.
In 1827.Teresa with the approval of local Bishop formed a religious congregation with the school teachers as its initial members. It was known as Augustinian sisters, Servants of Jesus and Mary. Four years later, this new congregation was formally incorporated into the order of St.Augustine. The school continued to grow in strength and moral good, supporting and guiding the youth, especially the girls
Teresa died in Frosinone on 22 Jan, 1850. She was buried in the public cemetery there. In the year 2000, her body was removed to the mother house of the Augustinan Sisters, Servants of Jesus and Mary in Frosinone
The cause of Mother Teresa’s beatification and Canonization began in 1982. The diocesan investigation was concluded in 1997 and the Congregation recognized the validity of her cause in 1998. Jesef Sciberras O.S.A, the Augustinian postulator of causes , oversees the progress of the cause